You're in the right place if...
You struggle with yelling and frustration over your child not listening, refusing to go with the flow and needing to get their way about EVERYTHING.
If you're an on the go parent who's juggling a lot of balls at once with little room for off track behavior, wanting cooperation not defiance or disrespect, looking to raise well adjusted, resilient kids while not losing your sh*t,
then you already know that you need a new plan to parent your strong willed child!
I'm sure you've already tried bribes and threats, star charts and that 'angry, displeased parent' face, but they j u s t don't work with these kids who have a challenging nature. I know you've tried to redirect, rationalize, walk on eggshells and do everything you can to get them to do the thing you need them to do.
But these kids have a different temperament, and so need a unique, counter-intuitive approach.
If this sounds like you and your child, you are in the right place.
Go-ahead and get the support you need to make this relationship easier, have less conflict and more moments of connection. You'll never regret it.
Let's go!
By the end of this program
you will have...
Describe Specific Desirable Outcome
Highlight the incredible results. Why does that matter? What does that look like?
Describe Specific Desirable Outcome
Highlight the incredible results. Why does that matter? What does that look like?
Describe Specific Desirable Outcome
Highlight the incredible results. Why does that matter? What does that look like?
Describe Specific Desirable Outcome
Highlight the incredible results. Why does that matter? What does that look like?
Describe Specific Desirable Outcome
Highlight the incredible results. Why does that matter? What does that look like?
Describe Specific Desirable Outcome
Highlight the incredible results. Why does that matter? What does that look like?

Client Stories

Add a client testimonial here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Name, Title
First name with last initial,
city they are from

Enroll in 3 Vital Things Mini-Course Today
- 49$3 Vital Things I Wish I'd Known Sooner To Relate To A SWCÂ
- Mini course: Facing Strong Willed Child More Successfully
- Scripts, Summit Video, SWC Podcast and Roadmap
- Wisdom and tools to use from the Strong Willed Child Summit

Name, Title
Share the amazing things customers are saying about your business. Double click, or click Edit Text to make it yours.

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Share the amazing things customers are saying about your business. Double click, or click Edit Text to make it yours.

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Share the amazing things customers are saying about your business. Double click, or click Edit Text to make it yours.
What's Inside 3 Vital Things
Mini Course
HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK?The first week we'll have an extra live session on Sunday to kick off the program with a meet and greet to get to know each other and build trust. Each Sunday night, the week's training materials will be loaded into the members area. One section focuses on a new 5 Steps To Connect practice, another focuses on extending your patience and fun ways to connect. You'll listen to, watch and complete the resources on your own time between Sunday & Thursday evening. On Tuesday you'll practice Pausing to check within. On Wednesday you’ll be invited to respond to a journal prompt to further integrate the concepts. Thursday we'll gather together LIVE to practice and play with the coaching concept of the week. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions, work through struggles, share your own successes & ideas, and encourage others. (Time TBD depending on schedules and time zones) On Friendship Friday you'll have a chance to share with another Mom to vent & celebrate, work on your edge with trust & community. Over the weekend we encourage you to make No-Agenda & Special Time Saturday Dates with each child (even 5 minutes fills their connection tank!) and Sunday Self-Care dates with yourself to replenish your tank. And the following week we keep building your parenting toolbox & shifting your mindset. This structure will guide you to let go of your old reactive patterns so your child can let go of theirs. You'll cultivate building trust and connection together. No more walking on eggshells! No more intense fights! Confidence facing BIG emotions!
WHEN DOES THE LIVE SESSION WITH Q&A TAKE PLACE?We'll gather together LIVE to practice with the coaching concept of the week. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions, share your own successes & ideas, and encourage others. Date and time is TBD based on needs of the group. Last cohort it was Thursdays at 8pm PST. Could be 5 pm or 6pm or 7pm PST. Another time it was Sundays at 5 pm PST.
WHAT IF I CAN'T MAKE THE LIVE SESSIONS WITH Q&A?The Live sessions with Q&A will be recorded and you will have access to the recording within 12 hours.
HOW MUCH TIME WILL THIS PROGRAM TAKE ME WEEKLY?1.5 hours a week. 20 minutes to digest the training materials each week especially since you can listen while multi-tasking since it will be mostly video or audio info. 10-30 minutes for the Pause to check in, journaling and Special Time dates 60 minutes to be on or listen to the Q&A zoom sessions. This time is an investment in the short term that will pay you back in a lifetime of connection and improved relating patterns with your family. Priceless. It's just six weeks.
HOW WILL I KNOW THIS WILL WORK FOR ME?Research has shown that participating in a course with a LIVE component + friendly accountability is the most effective way of learning, much more effective than just reading a book. The information and concepts in this course are synthesized from hundreds of hours of knowledge and experiential workshops over 17 years. In addition to the information the format will be based on your life situations and customized for you. Most importantly, the material is for you to learn and model which is why it works so well changing the behavior of strong-willed children. The experiential format we use will show you how to do this. It's powerful. Learning to practice and model these life affirming skills is the secret sauce to connecting with your strong willed children. It's taking information from your head to your heart, where we relate from.
CAN'T I JUST FIGURE IT OUT ON MY OWN?You can. The question to ask is: will you? Old ingrained patterns of reacting have been hard-wired over years. Research shows it takes the support of others to make lasting meaningful change in how you show up and relate. The Group Program is designed come along side you and accelerate the process by curating and breaking down the vast information into a proven 5 Step process that can be implemented with support and accountability to ensure your best intentions become reality. Instead of just thinking about change, you integrate & practice new ways of relating. With this program you can cut through the overwhelming and conflicting information that is out there and bring to you a proven strategy put forth by the latest research, psychology, conflict resolution and brain research. The best part of this program is the community! Hearing from others with similarly intense and inflexible kids what is working for their family, problem solving and feeling supported and understood.
CAN I TAKE THIS ANOTHER TIME?You can, but can your family wait? When it comes to challenging behavior and hard family dynamics intervention earlier is always better. Then next group program may not be for another year, but there is always 1:1 private coaching. It's easier to Learn than Unlearn. The results are priceless.
PROGRAM PRICINGThe value of the program is in Allison's time and expertise, connections made and the personal development and growth will surpass the price of the program. More significant is the cost of NOT signing up for the program. Imagine what your life will look like it you don't make changes and take action. Our child is priceless; our relationship with them is crucial. Here are a few questions to ask yourself when considering your budget? Is your family one of your top priorities? Are you willing to make a short term investment for the long term impact for your whole family? Is your mental health a priority for you? How important is your child's self esteem? Their mental health? Are you willing to pay more to surround yourself with a community that supports you and holds you accountable to get the results you want? A commitment at this level ensures everyone in the group program is dedicated to improving their family relationships.
DO YOU OFFER REFUNDS?Yes. We want you to be completely satisfied and so we have a refund policy. We guarantee that your relationship with your strong willed child will be much improved by the end of the program or we will give you your money back. * *This assumes that you spend time each week to follow the program.
HOW LONG DO I HAVE ACCESS TO THE GROUP AREA?You have access to the group area for one year.
When you enroll during this special,
introductory pricing, you'll get:
3 Vital Things I Wish I'd Known Sooner Parenting My Strong Willed Child
(A $XX Value)
3 Modules
Recap the results your prospect will achieve after implementing all the modules.
Specific Wins OR Essential Steps 1
What does this make possible? Turn this into a reason to celebrate!
Specific Wins OR Essential Steps 2
What does this make possible? Turn this into a reason to celebrate!
Specific Wins OR Essential Steps 3
What does this make possible? Turn this into a reason to celebrate!
Meet the person behind the course...
Hey, I'm
A conflict resolution specialist, mediator and parenting coach for those struggling with a strong-willed child.
I have observed over the past 15 years a lot of human nature while being a parent, a mediator, an office co-worker, and youth soccer & running coach. All these brought about education and survival tools that allow me to prioritize self care, develop emotional intelligence, stop taking things personally, deeply listen and set clear firm limits.
I used these survival tools and set of practices to develop my 5 Steps To Connect curriculum. These practices allow me to re-center during or after a tantrum or defiant rage and to keep me connected in a deep, real way to myself and my strong willed child.
Now I don’t just 'do' my life on autopilot, but live into and experience a full life. I am less reactive to my child's roller coaster of emotions and triggering behaviors so I can be the safe space needed to re-center.

Frequently Asked Questions
HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK?The first week we'll have an extra live session on Sunday to kick off the program with a meet and greet to get to know each other and build trust. Each Sunday night, the week's training materials will be loaded into the members area. One section focuses on a new 5 Steps To Connect practice, another focuses on extending your patience and fun ways to connect. You'll listen to, watch and complete the resources on your own time between Sunday & Thursday evening. On Tuesday you'll practice Pausing to check within. On Wednesday you’ll be invited to respond to a journal prompt to further integrate the concepts. Thursday we'll gather together LIVE to practice and play with the coaching concept of the week. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions, work through struggles, share your own successes & ideas, and encourage others. (Time TBD depending on schedules and time zones) On Friendship Friday you'll have a chance to share with another Mom to vent & celebrate, work on your edge with trust & community. Over the weekend we encourage you to make No-Agenda & Special Time Saturday Dates with each child (even 5 minutes fills their connection tank!) and Sunday Self-Care dates with yourself to replenish your tank. And the following week we keep building your parenting toolbox & shifting your mindset. This structure will guide you to let go of your old reactive patterns so your child can let go of theirs. You'll cultivate building trust and connection together. No more walking on eggshells! No more intense fights! Confidence facing BIG emotions!
WHEN DOES THE LIVE SESSION WITH Q&A TAKE PLACE?We'll gather together LIVE to practice with the coaching concept of the week. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions, share your own successes & ideas, and encourage others. Date and time is TBD based on needs of the group. Last cohort it was Thursdays at 8pm PST. Could be 5 pm or 6pm or 7pm PST. Another time it was Sundays at 5 pm PST.
WHAT IF I CAN'T MAKE THE LIVE SESSIONS WITH Q&A?The Live sessions with Q&A will be recorded and you will have access to the recording within 12 hours.
HOW MUCH TIME WILL THIS PROGRAM TAKE ME WEEKLY?1.5 hours a week. 20 minutes to digest the training materials each week especially since you can listen while multi-tasking since it will be mostly video or audio info. 10-30 minutes for the Pause to check in, journaling and Special Time dates 60 minutes to be on or listen to the Q&A zoom sessions. This time is an investment in the short term that will pay you back in a lifetime of connection and improved relating patterns with your family. Priceless. It's just six weeks.
HOW WILL I KNOW THIS WILL WORK FOR ME?Research has shown that participating in a course with a LIVE component + friendly accountability is the most effective way of learning, much more effective than just reading a book. The information and concepts in this course are synthesized from hundreds of hours of knowledge and experiential workshops over 17 years. In addition to the information the format will be based on your life situations and customized for you. Most importantly, the material is for you to learn and model which is why it works so well changing the behavior of strong-willed children. The experiential format we use will show you how to do this. It's powerful. Learning to practice and model these life affirming skills is the secret sauce to connecting with your strong willed children. It's taking information from your head to your heart, where we relate from.
CAN'T I JUST FIGURE IT OUT ON MY OWN?You can. The question to ask is: will you? Old ingrained patterns of reacting have been hard-wired over years. Research shows it takes the support of others to make lasting meaningful change in how you show up and relate. The Group Program is designed come along side you and accelerate the process by curating and breaking down the vast information into a proven 5 Step process that can be implemented with support and accountability to ensure your best intentions become reality. Instead of just thinking about change, you integrate & practice new ways of relating. With this program you can cut through the overwhelming and conflicting information that is out there and bring to you a proven strategy put forth by the latest research, psychology, conflict resolution and brain research. The best part of this program is the community! Hearing from others with similarly intense and inflexible kids what is working for their family, problem solving and feeling supported and understood.
CAN I TAKE THIS ANOTHER TIME?You can, but can your family wait? When it comes to challenging behavior and hard family dynamics intervention earlier is always better. Then next group program may not be for another year, but there is always 1:1 private coaching. It's easier to Learn than Unlearn. The results are priceless.
PROGRAM PRICINGThe value of the program is in Allison's time and expertise, connections made and the personal development and growth will surpass the price of the program. More significant is the cost of NOT signing up for the program. Imagine what your life will look like it you don't make changes and take action. Our child is priceless; our relationship with them is crucial. Here are a few questions to ask yourself when considering your budget? Is your family one of your top priorities? Are you willing to make a short term investment for the long term impact for your whole family? Is your mental health a priority for you? How important is your child's self esteem? Their mental health? Are you willing to pay more to surround yourself with a community that supports you and holds you accountable to get the results you want? A commitment at this level ensures everyone in the group program is dedicated to improving their family relationships.
DO YOU OFFER REFUNDS?Yes. We want you to be completely satisfied and so we have a refund policy. We guarantee that your relationship with your strong willed child will be much improved by the end of the program or we will give you your money back. * *This assumes that you spend time each week to follow the program.
HOW LONG DO I HAVE ACCESS TO THE GROUP AREA?You have access to the group area for one year.
I'm ready to gain the wisdom to parent my strong willed child successfully.
- 49$3 Vital Things I Wish I'd Known Sooner To Relate To A SWCÂ
- Mini course: Facing Strong Willed Child More Successfully
- Scripts, Summit Video, SWC Podcast and Roadmap
- Wisdom and tools to use from the Strong Willed Child Summit