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Allison Livingston | 5 Steps to Connect | Santa Cruz, CA


 Private Coaching


Learn To Understand Your Strong Willed Child

Image by Federica Giusti


Tonia, Georgia
Allison Livingston | 5 Steps to Connect | Santa Cruz, CA

Working with Allison is a supportive, empowering, results-driven experience.


I am a mom of four very active, driven, out-of-the box thinkers which makes life challenging. Two of my children are challengers, often throwing our family dynamics into a top spin. While it is great to see them be inquisitive and resist the status quo, it can also lead to many disruptive and triggering moments.


Allison's 5 Steps to Connect private coaching sessions unlocked the core foundation that I need to address my triggers, my children's triggers and create a more connected family dynamic. I was able to see my children apart from me. Focusing on their needs and mine in a loving, respectful way. Allison's coaching provided me a way to see the whole body, whole system approach we each needed to be able to stop our old patterns of exploding at each other. Now we have a felt experience of what's going on so we can choose a more responsive action. 


Thank you Allison, for not only changing the way I respond to and see my children, but also the way I respond to my husband and all the people in my life. 5 Steps to Connect is a way of life.

- Private Coaching Packages -

 Laser Relief 

 1 Session


Laser Relief Coaching Session


Insight Into the "Blindspots" Sabotaging Your Family




See what's been blocking you from living in harmony, and surprisingly, it's not what you think.


  • One 45 minute coaching call.


  • Bring to the call one challenge disrupting your family dynamics.


  • Is it...

    • ​Meltdowns or tantrum

    • Facing your child's defiant, NO!

    • Bedtime challenges


  • Receive custom practices and tools to address your challenge and find ease when it comes up again.


  • Receive email summarizing call with a straightforward plan. 


  • 3 follow up Q&A emails to support as you implement these new practices


  • *Scholarships on need basis available upon request



 6 Sessions

1:1 Coaching Package


Learn Why What You are Doing is Making Things Worse




Allison shares her foundational 5 Steps to Connect concepts to turn around reactive behavior in your SWC shifting family dynamics from intense and hard to ease and joy.  In these 1:1 coaching session we create a custom plan including strategies and scripts to cut through power struggles, eliminate unintended shame parenting and ride out meltdowns with ease all while supporting your child.


  • Six 1-on-1 coaching sessions.


  • Session summary emails.


  • 3 follow up emails to support implementing your new plan.


  • Get unstuck when your feel you can't win and feel hopeless.


  • Customized plan to improve your family dynamics permanently.


  • 2 months free membership in the Strong Willed Child Place providing continued support in implementing your new plan.


  • Sixth session will focus on building a personal, visual Road Map, creating clarity and empowerment for you to continue to move from Surviving to Thriving.


  • Scholarships on need basis available upon request




Family Topics

Advanced Coaching Add Ons


Building on the Core Coaching Foundations of 5 Steps to Connect




More support after completing 1:1 core coaching*. Choose a specific topic to add more insight and value into your developed plan from coaching session. 


  • Build an Emotionally Healthy Home


  • Make Repairs and Practice LifeSaving Listening


  • Sibling Fighting, Fairness, Competing for Parent Attention/Approval


  • Setting Limits That Create a Win for All 


  • Screen Time


  • Food Issues or Bedtime Transitions


   *Must complete 1:1 Coaching Program or Workshop first to understand fundamental concepts

Allison Livingston | 5 Steps to Connect | Santa Cruz, CA

Let's chat

I offer a free 20-minute insight session that gets us to the heart of what you need and how I can help.  My goal is in this insight session is to help you gain clarity on your wants and needs, give you a tip or tool to help you move forward in your family dynamics.  Let's also see if we are a good fit to work together more in-depth with private coaching.  


My 13 year old son and I were fighting and he only wanted to live with his Mom. We'd argue and he wouldn't listen to anything I said. I felt sad, angry and hopeless. After working with you I saw my part in our struggle to get along. It wasn't just him. Right away after implementing your trust building ideas we started to relate so much better. He's back with me 50% of the time and we are having fun again. I am so grateful.

Erik, Dad in Tiburon, CA

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