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But wait!  Before you go, check out this new course I developed to go with this infograph!

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Facing an Angry

or Inflexible Child Course


The cost of facing anger using the old ways is invalidation and blocked emotional intelligence



By the end of this course
you will have...

Explanation Why

Explanation about why an angry child and anger in general is hard to face; we were never taught how to do it so we get triggered. ​We are so used to this we aren't even aware of it most of the time as we feel we are right to react.


However, when we understand the important purpose of anger and how NOT to become enmeshed in our child's emotions, we can be the safe, understanding space they truly need when angry.


Knowledge to unpack an angry and inflexible child's behavior and emotions.


You'll be empowered to support them instead of getting triggered yourself and therefore, not able to be there for them when your child needs you the most.

Emotional Wellness

See the double cost of not learning these relating skills as stunting their emotional intelligence as well as not practicing your own.


You have the chance now to end multi-generational destructive emotional patterns around anger to cultivate emotional wellness.

Ease & Equilibrium

What if you could face an angry and inflexible child with ease and equilibrium?


What would more understanding in these intense super charged moments bring to you and your relationship with your strong willed child?


Support your child to know what enlivens them and how to predictably connect to their values.


Slow down and listen to their hard feelings and discomfort so they know the wave won't swamp them and it won't last forever. This develops emotional intelligence.

Eliminate Shame

You will be able to... eliminate unintended shame parenting to instead build their strong self esteem.


Ride out moments of anger and inflexibility without getting triggered, knowing there is a purpose to it: supporting your child's emotional intelligence.

Enroll in Facing An Angry or Inflexible Child Mini-Course Today

Image by Andrei Lazarev

Enroll in Facing An Angry or Inflexible Child Mini-Course Today

  • 49$
    Anger is One of the Most Misunderstood Emotions We Feel
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