What if you could stop stress in its tracks? What would it be worth to you to be able to notice, untangle and transform stress into positive values energy? I have been successfully working with my own stress as well as some of the top High Tech companies in the Bay Area over the last 2 years. We tackle stress from deadlines, from not enough hours in the day, from too many emails and demands for our attention, from not finding time for our kids, from not having time for our own activities, from dropping balls, from our kids being sick, from our back and joints aching, from not sleeping, and on and on.
When you contemplate the above list, what do you feel in your body? Pressure? Unsettled stomach? Shallow breathing? Tight jaw, neck muscles or throat? One of the best tools to transform stress is cultivating the practice of a body scan. Start with the top of your head and work down. Where do you feel sensation? The great thing is that the emotional energy of stress signals us, and it is not subtle. The stuck energy in my body let's me know when I am off track, not connected, not centered. So step one is to notice the physical sensations that I am stressed.
Step 2 is to listen instead of numb, distract or rationalize. The key is to stop and pay attention instead of soldiering on. What is my stress trying to tell me? What am I yearning for? Ease? Connection? To be heard? Partnership? Stress is most often is signal that we are not in alignment with our values. How often do I take time to listen and be curious v. muscling through to the perceived finish, and end up feeling worse.
Next, step 3 is to notice my self talk, my story, the often unconscious thoughts of, "This is never going to work" or "I can't keep up no matter how hard I try" or "They never do their part" or "What if..." or "Everyone else is finishing on time, I must not be good enough" or "I don't have time to go for a run on the way home, that would be selfish" or other interpretations and future or past thoughts and judgments. UN-noticed, these thoughts will re-trigger my stress into another round of feeling threatened, telling my limbic system to activate: fast breath, tense muscles, churning stomach. I co-create my suffering with my thoughts.

Instead try Belly Breathing: Breathe IN (stomach pushes out) with the mantra "I am safe, I am whole, I am worthy." Breathe out (stomach retracts in): "In this moment, I am OK." Repeat 5-10 times. Notice: how do I feel now?
Discover more tools in my upcoming class Transform Stress to Wellness Dominican PEP July 11, Thursday 7-8:30pm.
Come learn what YOU can do transform your stress into wellness 7/11/19. We'll learn the framework for transforming stress to wellness, as well as practice and go more in depth on all the steps. STOP stress in its tracks today!
To sign up: Call 866.478.2613 or